Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Painting

Untitled, 2010, 24" x 30", acrylic and marker on canvas. I dream in vivid colors and shapes. Color combinations bombard me and sometimes overwhelm. Sounds take on colors, movement is color. The sensory overload sometimes causes nausea, migraines and the feeling that I'm going to faint. Yet, I wouldn't have it any other way. My extreme sensitivity can be a curse, but it is also a blessing.
There are many influences for this painting. Movement is always a part of my work, and is represented by the undulating hill. Alien vegetation is one of my recurring motifs. I am always intrigued by the Lake Erie skies. I am trying to perfect rain, but it eludes me. The more I look at it, perhaps that is sand underwater, which not my initial intent. And the clouds - well that's Buff Monster's fault. I've said it many times on this blog - I love his puffy clouds, and I love the graphic nature of his work. I want my work to be organic and graphic. And there it is, too many words. Art - it just is. And artists, well, we do it because we have to.


Unknown said...

Wonderful painting! There's almost a surreal quality to it along with being graphic. I also know what you mean, art just is. And so with that I won't try and over analyze, I'll just take it in...

Peggy said...

Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for the comments. Yes, I think it's a bit surreal quality too. I didn't like this work at first, but I have it hanging up and now I do.


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