Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yesterday was a Good Day, Vol. II

My girlfriend got sick of all the analyzing and excuses. Not to mention the crying. So she sent me the following cards.

Thanks, girlfriend, you are so


Images from Whimsy Press.

I finally read "He's Just Not that into You" by Greg Behrendt. Might as well, since the movie is out. It was a brutal read. Greg is compassionate, funny and very, very honest. I used a whole box of kleenex when I read it.

My gosh. I feel like such a fool. He never liked me. Time to find someone who will. No more wasting time.

I'm going to stop talking about him. I'm going to stop crying. Shit, Mary J. Blige says it much better than I ever could in her song, Enough Cryin'. My new theme song. Check her out.

Mary, thanks for being an inspiration. You go girl!

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