Monday, February 16, 2009

Cosmic Connections

I believe we are all connected. Isn't it amazing that you can have an idea, and then you learn someone, thousands of miles away perhaps, had the same idea? I spend a lot of time writing about creativity on this blog, and try to show how I am influenced by the creativity of other artists. One of the themes on this blog is creativity influencing creativity.

Today's post is a little different. Today I am showing some works I have done, and then shortly after the work was completed, I found work by another artist which reminded me of my own. The works I am showing did not influence my work, but rather were discovered after I completed my work. Apparently, I had a cosmic connection to these artists.

Untitled, 2008, 18" x 30", acrylic on canvas. It was an unusual occurrence for me to paint with brown. Brown is not typically a color I use, but I felt experimental that night. I remember thinking, I want this flower to look like a light.

Moments after completing my painting, I was stunned to see this LED work by Flickr user LipglossJunkie.

"Lovers," 2009, 16" x 20", acrylic and marker on canvas. I have been thinking a lot about pod people. This painting was just kind of a fun experiment. I like it and may do more.

Moments after completing this painting, I logged on to flickr to post my new painting. I discovered the work of flickr user blinkonmynose. She obviously had pod people on her brain too. And we must have been in psychic rapport.

Untitled, 24" x 24", acrylic and marker on canvas. This painting was done sometime ago.

After completing the painting, I found this chair. I apologize, because I don't remember its source. (If you know its source, please email me.) The flowers in the chair remind me of my own.

Untitled, 2008, 24" x 24", acrylic and pencil on canvas. This painting was a painstakingly precise one to execute. I am pleased with the borders which I painted to look like a matte.

Again, I went to flickr to post my new painting. And saw this work by flickr user Bluesrose. Almost the same geometry.
I find this amazing, and I love when it happens. I believe we are all connected.

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