Chiho Aoshima.

Buff Monster.

My motto for the upcoming is year is "KEEP MOVING FORWARD!"
Hope your holiday was filled with joy and that your transition to reality is a smooth one.
All mini-paintings are about 4.5" x 4.5". Sometimes I put a bunch of them in one frame. Other times I duplicate one of the images (of course it's not exactly the same) onto a larger canvas. The cool thing about these paintings is they are easy to carry in my bag. They fit in a sandwich bag and they are like swatches. I am able to easily show people examples of my paintings. I've sold minis and had a couple orders for large versions.
I dream of having an entire wall in a gallery covered with these paintings, like a quilt.
Here are more examples, but the original of these no longer exists.
The other cool thing about the minis is that I can easily picture my work with beautiful furniture. I sometimes cut sofas out of magazines and create low-tech rooms. I want to take a class so I can do this with photoshop. For now the tools are scissors, tape and scanner.
I can hear Max Von Sydow's character (in the movie Hanna and Her Sisters) screaming in my ear. "You don't buy a painting to blend in with a sofa." Seems to be some arbitrary rule that art has nothing to do with decor. As my readers know, I like to break rules. Anyway, furniture is art. So when you are pairing a sofa and a painting, you are simply pairing art.