The movie was Happenstance starring the lovely Audrey Tautou (my new favorite actress). P.S. I love Netflix! It was coincidental, if indeed coincidence exists, that the movie was about a full moon. I've seen this film many times. This particular day I just listened to the French words as if they were music. No, I don't speak French, but I love the sound of foreign languages.
I was deeply moved by the paintings of Reed Danziger. Her paintings are amazing, I wish I painted that well. They have particles and movement in them, and like my own swirls, make me think of creation. And while there is a lot going on in them, they are soft with a beautifully subtle use of color.

Okay, I paint no where near as skillfully as she, but man was I digging her work.
I was really digging Buff Monster, too. This is embarrassing to say, but I was completely naive about the subject matter of his paintings. I was so taken with his use of colors, and he had swirls and movement. Okay, I figured out what the swirls are and what the flower-like things are. I can be dense sometimes. Maybe his paintings are vulgar, but damn can he paint. And his use of pink is, well, perfect. He's probably best known by the toys he designs for kidrobot . But don't click on his link if you are faint-hearted.

So here's what you get during a full moon, while listening to French speakers and digging Reed Danziger and Buff Monster:
Untitled, 2007. 16" x 8", acrylic and marker on canvas. I wanted this one to look like a silkscreen. I love silkscreen, but I don't know how to do it.