Below I wrote about my obsession du jour - silver and white. Here are more lovely silver and white images.

Enja Wong silver dollar prints. Aren't these stunning? Organic simplicity at its finest. Available from

Starburst wall art available from
West Elm. (SNL - I'd like to see this over your fireplace - after we paint it white. Do you think BB would be mad?)

Rumba vases. Very beautiful and reasonably priced from
CB2. Isn't it hard to believe that these are actually stoneware? This mercury-looking glaze is a fairly new process. Amazing. One of each please.

Tuxedo silhouette lamp from
Vitamin D(esign).

Look at this gorgeous ceiling lamp from
Prospetto! Reminds me of a sea anemone.

"Moonlit Vases" by Takuya Tokizawa available at the
Artful Home.
I suppose I am a lover of objects, I feel a little like a curator. And it feels great. I am curating an online gallery. Totally fun. Ah, if only real life were as fun.
Love that starburst wall art from West Elm. Your blog is an education for me. You feel so strongly about white. And I with my rather colourful sensibilities, would feel lost in allwhite rooms. But the way you romance white makes me look at it with new eyes. Thank you for that.
I love love love all this stuff. I would love to get some of those silver vases from cb2.
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