Image by Peggy
325. That's how many people were killed by gun violence in the United States of America during the week of 11/1/16 - 11/8/16. That's 325 too many.
Even one is too many. 325. In one week. There are 52 weeks in a year. My brain calculates quickly, almost without thought. I have to force myself not to do the math. Unspeakable. But I can tell you one thing about it. It's too many. Even one person killed by gun violence - which is totally avoidable - is too many.
It is a turbulent time in the United States. Slow down. Read your constitution, study your history. History repeats itself. We are going down a path, and we can change our mind. It's that simple. Not easy, but simple.
Change is not hard. The way we are living now is hard. Young people feel helpless. They ask me all the time, "What can I do?" The answer is easy: Spread Love. Turn away from the ugliness and insanity.
And for goodness sake, it is time to lay down our arms. It is almost 2017. Not 1957.
It is time to lay down our arms, because we are more similar than different. We all grieve when someone we love is carelessly, foolishly and avoidably taken before their time.
It is time to lay down our arms, because the loss of even one is too many.
It is time to lay down our arms, because the loss of any human being before their time should be incomprehensible.
It is time to lay down our arms, not to make us great again -- but because we are great. Great nations lead by example.
It is time to lay down our arms, because we refuse to live in fear any longer. Fear is a crippler.
It is time to lay down our arms, because it is the right thing to do.