Tuesday, November 29, 2016

325 Too Many, A Plea to Humanity

Image by Peggy

325.  That's how many people were killed by gun violence in the United States of America during the week of 11/1/16 - 11/8/16. That's 325 too many.

Even one is too many.  325.  In one week. There are 52 weeks in a year. My brain calculates quickly, almost without thought. I have to force myself not to do the math. Unspeakable.  But I can tell you one thing about it.  It's too many.  Even one person killed by gun violence - which is totally avoidable - is too many.

It is a turbulent time in the United States. Slow down. Read your constitution, study your history.  History repeats itself.  We are going down a path, and we can change our mind.  It's that simple. Not easy, but simple.  

Change is not hard.  The way we are living now is hard.  Young people feel helpless.  They ask me all the time, "What can I do?" The answer is easy:  Spread Love. Turn away from the ugliness and insanity.

And for goodness sake, it is time to lay down our arms.  It is almost 2017.  Not 1957.  

It is time to lay down our arms, because we are more similar than different.  We all grieve when someone we love is carelessly, foolishly and avoidably taken before their time.

It is time to lay down our arms, because the loss of even one is too many.

It is time to lay down our arms, because the loss of any human being before their time should be incomprehensible.

It is time to lay down our arms, not to make us great again -- but because we are great.  Great nations lead by example.

It is time to lay down our arms, because we refuse to live in fear any longer. Fear is a crippler.

It is time to lay down our arms, because it is the right thing to do.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Announcements and Social Media Update

Hi friends!  I know it's been a long time.  I just wanted to update you on what's going on in my life and how I am using social media.

First, and maybe most important, is that I am writing a book!  Yep it's true.  It's about my experience living in the sweet little beach cottage.  You can follow my progress at Instagram #sweetlittlebeachcottage.

Second, I am working on an installation piece honoring the Harvest Moon of October and the Supermoon of November 2016.  You can follow my progress at Instagram as well, but I am planning to post some pictures of this work here.

Here is an update of how I am currently using social media:

Facebook - don't like.  Too much drama.  Makes me sad and makes me feel excluded.  I have deactivated my account.

Twitter - use mainly for politics, but am giving up politics.  :)

Pinterest - I share designs by other artists I like.

Flickr - not currently updating, but parts of my portfolio reside on flickr,  (For my portfolio and links you can see my tab above entitled portfolio)

Instagram - is my favorite thing in the world right now!  I post my work in progress, the installation piece I am working on, pictures of my home, and of course urban photography.  All photographs are by  me. I also use IG to spread positive messages of love.  I hope you will follow along.

How are you using social media these days?  Do you also love the ease of Instagram?  I'd love to hear from you.

And remember my friends, during this tumultuous time to always choose love.  Whenever you think what can I do?  Spread love.  It's the only thing that matters.


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